The Blow

What is The Blow?


a band of two singers: Khaela Maricich and Jona Bechtolt from Oregon, US. They're a beginning band, but so far successful. Their single, "True Affection" appeared in iTunes' "FREE ON iTunes" section. their most popular songs are "True Affection", "Parenthesis", "Hey Boy", and "Come on Petunia". They started in 2004 with the release of their first CD, "Poor Aim, Love Songs". On their myspace page they consider their style of music "Tropical/R&B/Jam Band" but to most they are considered " indie". Khaela is indeed, bi, but she can sing so who cares.

The Blow's single came out on iTunes last week.

See bi, music, band, indie


Slang term for cocaine.

I've overcome the blow.

See blow, the, cocaine, snuff, powder


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