The Book Club

What is The Book Club?


An underground organization. Board 1611, a.k.a. Dinky Doo. A place to go if you want to relieve stress. Not really a book club. At the book club, Admiral Ackbar rules with an iron fist. All who oppose shall be sodomized and obliterated.

Uncool User #1: What is this book club I keep hearing about?

C Bar: Come to board 1611.

Uncool User: Ok...

Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap!

Uncool User #1: *<b>SODOMIZ'D!</b>*

Icon: *takes off pants*

Explicit Content: OMGWTFBBQ!?!?! Get out of here you bloody spud!!

ChaosTony: OH SNAP!

TenkoStar17: It's all over my pants!

Heavenscloud889: RAW IS JERICHO!!!

ChaosTony: yay!

Explicit Content: yay!

Uncool User #2: So this the book club...


The opposite of what the "Smart guy" said.

Mooglekupo141: Shoot the infidel!

Dinky Doo: Ok!

Smart Person: No! I'm bloodied!

All: Ha ha ha ha ha


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