The Box

What is The Box?


A woman's vagina, pussy, or sexual organs

Travis: "Yo James why u eat the box so much, that shit is nasty be

James: "I love eating pussy, so much that imma join kappa alpha psi and eat all the box I can."

Travis: "I could never do that, especially since I am jamaican and all Jamaicans dont eat the box."

See the, box, pussy, vagina, women


the area of the vagina

i kicked her in the BOX


The music channel that was replaced by MTV2, and played music videos nonstop, no commercials and played what you called in and requested.

it was the shit.

"put on the box because MTV sucks"


A game most commonly played by stoners. It begins when someone is noticeably high, And another person takes their hands and holds then parallel- vertical to the other person's face and states: "You're in the box." All other people who are in the circle, Then start lip- synching words to make the one in "The Box' Think that no one can hear them, To give the appearance of actually being in a box.

Bill: "Dood, Today we TOTALLY effed with this guy."

Ben: "Really, How?"

Bill: "We put him in the box for like, Three hours!"

Ben: "Holy shit, Man, That's ridiculous."

See games, funny, crazy, bizarre


A not-so-common nickname for a Best Buy store.

"Hey Ani, you workin in The Box today?"

See bb, bby


is the female private part

b jones eats the box

See pussy, vagina, cunt, pud, box


a small boat that is cheap and crappyin nature

I'm not going to tubing in the box!

Hey guys? did you knwo that the box can be cut into half and still run? ITS TRUE!


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