The Brain

What is The Brain?


When u grab your sack and squeeze forcing your balls to go tight against the skin, causeing THE BRAIN!!!




A super-smart talking mouse from cartoon animaniacs.

Do they still make that show? I haven't seen it on TV in the last seven years.

Pinky and the brain, Pinky and the brain, one is a genius, the others' insane!

See Gumba Gumba


the grabbing around the top of a mans balls, creating two lumps, thus "the brain"

I was going to eat that 3 bean soup, until Nick gave me the brain.

See waiting, sex positions, dane cook, the goat, balls


the art of grasping the top of your ballsack and squeezing the testes outwards until your little friends resemble a brain.

I cant believe Bobby gave you the brain last night, disgusting!

See nutsack, balls, sack


Word used to describe a highly annoying per who knows everthing, or rather thinks they know everything. Will even dispute what a person of higher knowledge is saying

Sally: The sky is blue

Helen: I think you will actually find it's red, thats a fact

John: Typical of The Brain...

See annoying, fat, retard, brain, the


a slang term for oral sex

Them sluts on da corner are gettin brain

See D


Somewhat like mooning someone but with your penis hanging down.

dont make me have to show you THE BRAINN


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