The Bruce Moose

What is The Bruce Moose?


the biggest fucking fat ass four year old the world has ever seen; so fucking fat that he cant even out run his 50 pound shadow; "Child" who took a GIANT dump in the toilet, didn't flush, and left absolutely no sign of wiping... serious case of monkey butt; "kid" who smells like gorilla-swamp-ass-butt-rot; So stuid that monkies look down upon "him"; retards find him bafflingly dumb; stupidity so dense that light cannot escape; confirmed possessor of a single digit IQ, but a triple digit body stench. A true singularity of stupidity.

Did you see that fucking Bruce Moose at the BBQ? I saw him eat 3 hotdogs, a pile of potato salad and a small mountain of potato chips, and then proceeded to attempt to steal food off other people's plates and playing with the dog's ass and steaming pile of dog shit. It makes me FUCKING sick!!!


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