What is The Bullwinkle?
The sign given to a friend in hiding while doggie styling' some chick. It is performed by placing both hands over the head, with palms facing out and waving wildly. Can be supplemented by shouting "Hey Rocky." (Make sure to use appropriate Bullwinkle voice tone.)
Amanda did not like the bullwinkle last night.
Sex position created by Tré Cool (AKA Frank Edwin Wright III), drummer of the band Green Day
In Fuse's 100% Green Day special, Tré wanted to demonstrate The Bullwinkle, but needed a volunteer.
A sex position involving a wedge of cheese and a cannoli...It requires one person to be bending like one of those awesome straws. And the other to drink from that straw. And the cheese and cannoli are used for flavor.
Person 1:Tisil gave Ryan a bullwinkle!
Person 2:No fucking way dude!