The Campaign

What is The Campaign?


During the beginning of a romantic relationship, both partners put forth due dilligence to continually express their best qualities in hopes of securing their partner's love, thus allowing the campaign to end.

The campaign is also considered officially over when one or both individuals:

a. fart in front of the other

b. begin to 'let themself go'

c. reveal the heinous aspects of their character that up to this point have been painstakingly masked and concealed

d. admit to be currently suffering from rupadupalus

Although dates with Colette during "the campaign" had been sweet, Clay secretly feared that one day his secret would come to light and she would discover the massive pile of semen-soaked rags under his bed which had sat there long enough to develop a conciousness and whispered threats to him when he was alone.

See dating, relationships, secrets, camping


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