The Cheat Theme Song

What is The Cheat Theme Song?


The song made by the Cheat,for the Cheat.

Who's always giving Strong Bad a hand?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's always messing up Homestar's plan?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's gonna start a rock and roll band?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's making out with Marzipan?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

The Cheeaat..the Cheat is in the house!

Who's the man that looks like the Cheat?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's the one with the yellow feet?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's the dude that moves to the beat?

The Cheat!The Cheat!

Who's the guy from 21 Jump street?

Not the Cheat!Not the Cheat!

The Cheat..The Cheat!


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