The Clamp

What is The Clamp?


The deadliest martial arts move on the face of the planet. It occurs when the testes of a man are clenched (clamped) within the fist of another man whilst two fingers are simultaneously forcefully inserted into the anal cavity. This causes extreme discomfort and excruciating pain, including intense purpling of the face and the crossing of eyes. Contrary to popular belief, it is not gay.

1) "Man did you see Ruw get clamped? Did you see his testes get clenched and his face get purpled, causing extreme discomfort and excruciating pain?"

2) The clamp isn't gay, shut up.

See obama, the, boobs, chowda, ducci


What one would call going to the gynocologistand having a papsmear done.

The other day I went to the gyno and got the clamp.

See clamper, clamped


When performing "finger sex" on a woman, The Clamp aids with balance from the "finger sex" giver. This comes in handy most often when intoxicated, falling off the bed, or both.

"Yo Berms, I was wasted about to fall off the bed while finger-sexing that mamma, until I used The Clamped to save my fall."

See clamp, drunk, sex, fingering


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