What is The Cleveland Steamer?


The act of leaving a shit stain on the rib cage of a woman while receiving penile pleasure from friction between the mammaries. (SEE ALSO


It was a severance fuck anyway, so I left her a Cleveland Steamer.

See John Boy


The definition I remember goes like this. Two people having sex, one proceeds to sit down on "victim's" chest, facing their feet. Sitter then proceeds to take a massive dump,(the wetter the poo, the better). As the poo runs into "victim's" neck, the pooper gestures with hand in an upward and downward pulling motion, as if honking a truck horn, while singing out loud "WWOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

bonus points awarded for:

-farting between the howls

-if the poop is wet and rolls around neck like a necklace

- wearing a captain's hat

see definition------------------


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