The Colbert Report

What is The Colbert Report?


Pronounced with silent T's at the end of both words.

The Colbert Report is a television show on Comedy Central that airs at 11:30 PM, Eastern Time. Starring Stephen Colbert, the show makes fun of media pundits who comment on news stories.

line that starts every show: "This is the Colbert Report!"

See stephen colbert, daily show, jon stewart, comedy central, pundit


Only the BEST show ever run by Stephen Colbert on comedy central at 11:30

I love the Colbert Report. For once a member of the press that is conservative

See conservative


Stephen Colbert is a former correspondent for The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, and now has his own show, The Colbert Report, running at 11:30PM EST , Monday-Thursday,and reruns at 8:30PM EST, which runs on Comedy Central (and various other stations worldwide).

The show is a mock of shows suchs as The O'Reilly Factor and Scarburrough Country. Stephen acts Extreme Right wing and Conservative, but often uses it to poke fun at Republicans.

The Report is a big hit among young adults, averaging 1.5million viewers a night.

There isnt an example, just read the text above and watch The Colbert Report everynight! Along with The Daily Show!

See jon stewart, stephen colbert, strangers with candy


ignore the top entry, stephen colbert is not a conservative he is a democrat and makes fun of liberals TO MAKE FUN OF CONSERVATIVES!

i watched the colbert report

See comedy central, liberal, hi, funny


A "fake news" television program airing on Comedy Centralfrom Monday to Thursday at 11:30pm eastern time. Hosted by Stephen Colbert, the Report satirizes conservative, ego-centric media pundits such as Bill O'Reillyand Geraldo Rivera.

Pronounced "Col-BEAR Re-PORE".

"Open up baby bird, 'cause mama's got a big fat nightcrawler of truth! This is the Colbert Report!"

See stephen colbert, lincolnish, superstantial, grippy, truthiness


The Colbert report is a "fake news show"like the Daily Show, starring Stephen Colbert. It airs at 11:30PM/ET on Comedy Central. Colbert plays tyhe role of a Conservative media pundit.

The Colbert Report really does stick it to Right Wingers.

See colbert, fake news


The Colbert report is a "fake news show" like the Daily Show, starring Stephen Colbert. It airs at 11:30PM/ET on Comedy Central. Colbert plays the role of a Conservative media pundit.

The Colbert Report is a funny show.

See colbert report, truthiness, stephen colbert, fake news, news


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