The Colonel

What is The Colonel?


A man whose goal in life is to discipline students. Often known to wear aviators and appear suddenly around corners.

The colonel suspended the shit out of Joseph.

See alex, bertrand, geto, teacher, sat


when loving a female accomplice is out of the question, get yourself a nice ripe cantaloupe. warm it up in the microwave to desired temp. core a hole big enough for your penis then bang the hell out of it until you ejaculate, if you want chill in fridge and serve it to your friends later.Bonerpetite

i hadnt had pussy in awhile so i did the colonel the cantaloupe was warm and ripe tight fit too.

See cantaloupe, fridge, core, ripe, warm


The only man who could control John Rambo!!!

"John, you've gotta come in" The Colonel

"I can't do it sir... breeeaaaaarr" Rambo with Sylvester Stallone voice where he speaks and... at the end of the sentence you miss the last three words or so...

See special forces, cool dude, rambo, nam, first blood, Jambon


One who owns everyone in a certain room, psychologically:

- a man walks into a maths classroom, strikes fear in the students, and then proceeds to teach them one the most relaxed martial arts, tai chi.


The Greatest Guy EVER from Weebl and Bob.

Hello there, colonel.


man who sold his recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Made millions off his family: his family gets 6 cents for every piece of chicken sold to this day. Hardcore avid racist, once even saying (when his customers were primarily black), "I wish all these spooks and niggers would leave my restaurant, then I might get more profits!"

"Man, The colonel is my idol. He created KFC, thats all I need."

"The colonel was a gay racist."

See kfc, chicken, racist, kentucky fried chicken, recipe, colonel, Fic


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