The Comatorium

What is The Comatorium?


A badass web forum specifically for fans of the band The Mars Volta. Has many sections, including one for At the Drive-in, which was 3 members of The Mars Volta's previous band.

"Where did you get that badass picture of The Mars Volta?"

"The Comatorium, duh!"

See forum, the mars volta, at the drive-in, teh pwn, addicting, Ka


A complete shithole of a forum, originally intended for fans of The Mars Volta but now overrun by rich white kids from the American suburbs. Notably one of the only forums that has a constant civil war going on (Main forum fanboys against Drunkship imbeciles). Many blame this on the fact that all the aforementioned rich kids think they are either black (because they call their albino friends "homies" and enjoy fried chicken) or highly evolved progressive experimental musicians (because they can fart into a delay pedal).

Browsing the Comatorium is more painful than a 12-hour rim ripper.

See mars, volta, whiteboy, lame


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