The Cooler

What is The Cooler?


The one who runs the show. What he says goes. The one who is in charge of the bouncers at a club, they see everything. Usually they earn $5000 up front, $500 a night, CASH! Yeah.

To protect my investment I've hired the best damn cooler in the business.


See slopass


The use of a cooler for a smoking method. You get a cooler with a faucet that lets water out, tear that off, and replace it with a homemade foil bowl (put it upside down). Put the cooler in the pool upside down (bowl should be facing up), trap in some air in the cooler right on the waterline, go under the water, stick your head in the air pocket in the cooler, breathe and enjoy. This may take 4 people, 2 holding cooler, 1 lighting the weed, and 1 smokin that shit.

Ay man, I hear dey gonna try The Cooler at the after Graduation party, DONT FORGET YOUR SWIMMING TRUNKS!

See bong, homemade, cooler, hookah, weed


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