The Coolness

What is The Coolness?


None other than the absolute cool.

An (at the time) original, descriptive term. During the years of Ultima Online's prime, an MMORPG developed by OSI (Origin Systems Inc - though later taken over by EA), there was a player by the name of "the Sickness".

This character caused great distress to many people, so in response, the great Boba Fett/Magneto/Seifer/GM Cool Guy along with Spymaster, Ad Avis, Ice Trey and Mad Monk decided it was about time to fix his little red wagon.

Thus, The Coolness was made in a satiric attempt to poke fun at "The Sickness" and his brother "The Illness".

This was, of course, before "coolness" was even a viable word for internet or real life usage. Years down the road I hear it all of the time. It caught on very quick. While I don't think I can claim origination of the word, I can definitely say I spread it to a large portion of people on Lake Superior. Especially that wonderful, Y-Wing shaped town of Moonglow. :-)

See coolness, cool, sweet, awesome, sickness, illness


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