The Crying Game

What is The Crying Game?


(n.) Sick ass movie about an IRA man feeling guilty for a British soldier he allowed to die and comforting his girlfriend. However, when Fergus and Dill are getting it the movie.

Mayor Quimby: The chick in the crying game is really a man

Crowd: boo!

Mayor Quimby: I, was that a good movie

Crowd: yay!

See Gumba Gumba


When you go on a management retreat and your CEO breaks down crying like a little girl because when he was a young man, his blue-collar parents wouldn't let him spend their hard-earned cash to major in music and be an opera singer.

"Can you believe the crying game we just had to sit through?"


"I wonder if this is going to be another episode of "the crying game" because his parents don't love him."

See crying, game, cora


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