The Daily Mail

What is The Daily Mail?


1.An awful newspaper with bad,bad jounalism.

It supported the nazis (no joke),is anti-abortion,anti-imigration,racist and homophobic.

Only last week it attacked My Chemical Romance and other such emo bands in a manner reminiscent of post-Columbine articles about Marylin Manson.The aricle claimed the band promote self harm and warned parents about the "dangerous" emo cult. Incredibly,it also caled Green Day emo.

In short,if The Daily Mail had it's way all teenagers would be locked up,the BNP would rule the country and we'd all wear swastikas.

2.A story made up of unbelievable lies is often reffered to as "Daily Mail-esqe"

" The internet has many sites dedicated to Emo fashion (dyed black hair brushed over your face, layering, black, black, black), Emo bands (Green Day, My Chemical Romance), Emo conversation (sighing, wailing, poetry)."

"The courting of misery and death is a long-established teenage tradition. How many bedroom walls have been plastered with posters of drippy pre-Raphaelite heroines, or Marc Bolan or Kurt Cobain?"

"But compared to the music, the poetry is positively cheerful. The Gothic bands have names such as Bloody, Dead And Sexy or Colder Than Death."

Qoutes from The Daily Mail.

2."And then the black guy stole my baby and the gay man shot my husband and then the emo kid commited suicide right there in front of me!"

"Are you from The Daily Mil?"


See emo, mcr, bullshit, lies, liar, bigot


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