What is The Dan's?
The name given to 2437 Ohio Ave.: the center of the Cincinnati/Clifton universe circa 2001-2005.
If you went to the University of
If you've been found with your head stuck in the balcony railing puking your brains out, or thrown couches down onto the driveway at cars, you've partied there.
If you've pissed off of a 50 foot balcony next to another dude to see who can hit the cars below, you've partied there.
If you've gotten
If you've thrown your friend's clothes down the stairs, then repeatedly kicked him in the ribcage, you've partied there.
If you've been
If you've climbed out a
If you've made out with some of the ugliest chicks in Cincinnati, sadly the chances are pretty good you were partying there.
"Holy shit, did you hear that Hammered Mike pissed in Dan's bedroom closet last night?"
"At The Dan's?"
"Yep. It turns out that he'd been drinking."
"No shit?"
"Yea, hence the nickname."
"Dude, James made out with like 4 random chicks at The Dan's last night."
"Isn't that the same queer that shit on the bathroom floor?"
"Indeed...what a douche."