The Daz

What is The Daz?


A neanderthol who has managed to escape evolution into a modern man. Usual characteristics are crazy un-combed hair as well as pubic hair groth from the age of 6 years of age. The Daz is also considered a very unintelligent species and often finds it hard to make sence of sentences therefore getting words mixed up. A Daz's favorite past time would include downing a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's and exposing his naked penis to all around as well as violently attacking his friends and abusing NHS paramedics usually using a phrase such as 'get out of my house u f*#@king b*#ch!'

Overall a Daz is a resonably sedate species who makes friends easily and just as easily looses it's temper. Because of this they are usually the butt of a lot of jokes but usually take it in good spirit.

The many sayings of The Daz:

'F#*ken hell did you see them two planes??? The first one was flying!!!'

'Cheese burger with Cheese please'

'Day ticket into town please'

See daz, barf, north, south, kid, ego, tromboner, teabag, anal


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