The Demon

What is The Demon?


the alter ego of Gene Simmonsof Kiss. the demon is a god and the name should be used only in the upmost respect.

i saw The Demon at the kiss show lats night

See spaceace, kiss, kiss army


The alter ego of an inconspicuous man who takes pride in his association with a secret lifestyle of leather, metal studs, and extreme workout mixes.

Little did Sally know, on the weekends John was "The demon".

See leather, studs, metal, fear, fire


When Tim Ingalls puts pencils in his hands and shakes them up and down like a demon.

He is doing the demon!


To have a sudden onset of the shits that you cant hold. You start sweating and getting a sharp stabbing pain in your guts.

Dude i was in the mall today and i had a case of the demon!

No i cant come out and play i am being hunted by the demon!

See the shits, the squirts


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