What is The Detainee Treatment?


When someone (or a group of self-righteous assholes) pisses you off so much that you want to degrade them by forcing them to do something or act in a way that severely undermines/disrespects their culture Abu Gharibwaterboardingsleep deprivationtortureprison bitch

I hope that would-be rapist stalking my girlfriend doesn't ever meet me cuz I'll give him the detainee treatment

Those power-hungry despots parading around (in IL) claiming to be democrats deserve the detainee treatment for infringing on individual rights while taxing the hell out of hard-working people

Politicians that practice hypocrisy (ie bailing out bankrupt airlines and public transportation systems) while denying help to individuals who mismanage their finances deserve the detainee treatment.

See prison bitch, torture, sleep deprivation, punishment, revenge


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