The Donald

What is The Donald?


Nickname for entreprenuer Donald Trump; As used on NBC's "The Apprentice"

Well, looks like The Donald has fired someone again tonight.


A sexual act in which the girl is on her knees, giving someone a bj, but right before he comes, he pulls out and finishes off in his hand. Then, he takes that hand and spreads it through the girls hair, giving her a comb-over (much like the hair-do Donald trump so handsomely sports). Then, with the left over cum, he slaps her across the face and says "YOU'RE FIRED!" and breaks up with her right then and there.

Or, for the ladies out there, do the same exact thing after giving him a hand job.

Man, I totally gave my girlfriend the Donald last night! Or should I say ex-girlfriend. She was so pissed!

See dirty sanchez, houdini, cleveland steamer, bob saget, abe lincoln, rusty trombone, cincinnati bowtie, birmingham booty call, hot carl, angry dragon, blumpkin, tony danza


To take a crap on some ones head while performing the 69 position.

Rebecca Did the donald to me!


The Donald: When your asshole hair gets really long and you don't wipe your ass for a month when shitting, and you make an ugly fat bitch lick it right before an orgasm

Guy: Did you just do The Donald?

Bitch: I braided your ass hair with my tounge

See puber, dirty sanchez, corn, hole, me


The Donald is the most descriptive word able to be used from feeling intense pain and saying, Ouch man that shit is the Donald! Or by having a good time at a party and saying "Yo man that shit was the Mutha Fuckin' Donald!"

"That bitch fucked the Donald out of me!"

See pain, pleasure, anger, good, bad


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