The Gig

What is The Gig?


The process of bending over and loosening your sphincter so that air enters your colon, and when the most air possible is in, blowing it out in an explosive fart (odorless and fun). If gigger has not been to the bathroom to do number 2 recently, he might be embarrassed when pellets of shit come out when gigging.

Nathan man do The Gig, but watch out for them pellets.

See gig, fart, shit, humor, pellet


The process of bending over and loosening your sphincter so that air enters your colon, and when the most air possible is in, blowing it out in an explosive fart (odorless and fun). If gigger has not been to the bathroom to do number 2 recently, he might be embarrassed when pellets of shit come out when gigging.

Nathan man do The Gig, but watch out for them pellets.

See gig, fart, shit, humor, pellet


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