The God Speech

What is The God Speech?


First off the following definition is not to be taken to heart and if any Christians are offended by this definition.I am sorry you were/still are offended.

"The God Talk is when a famous celebrity/actor/actress/musician is nominated for an award at a fancy awards show like the Grammy awards and after the Nominees are selected and the famous person won the award they were nominated for goes up,usually with tears in thier eyes,saying how "Amazing it was to win ______ award.Then proceed that they thank God first of all.Even though it lasts a few seconds they only do it so they can win the hearts of Catholics and Protestants everywhere, despite them not even being honest.In other words to be a complete phoney."

Paris Hilton:I so wanna thank God for my debut album for being such a horrible flop yet getting #2 in the Hot 100!M'kay!

"Paris Hilton just performed The God Speech which last 6 seconds.She then starts to thank her family members for the next 6 hours as well all of the precious business people who,without of their help, would not have made this wh**e more apperaling to demented young women and men with no morals"

See fake, predictable, shame


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