The Grandpa

What is The Grandpa?


A male on male handjob typically given after a long period in a body of water (pool, hot tub, lake, ocean). The more wrinkly, the better.

After a lengthy session in the pool, Brad gave George his rendition of the grandpa.

See handjob, wrinkles, gay, hj


While having anal sex with a woman, use her tweezers or electric razor(depending on how extreme),pluck out her anal hairs. Before ejaculation stick your dick in her ear and blow your load. Then proceed to take the hairs you plucked and place them in her ear.

Levy: Yo kev why'd you do that to her last night?

kevin Fabs:I don't know...I'm the grandpa master.

See abe lincoln, praying mantis, pink sock, donkey punch, lumber jack


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