The Great Gatsby

What is The Great Gatsby?


One of the greatest pieces of literature of all time. A timeless classic that tells the story of a man, James Gatz, who has an undying dream, a desire for a love that he will never have. Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, this book is said to be a parallel of his life.

"Gatsby believed in the green light. The orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but it's no matter. For tomorrow we will run faster, reach our arms out farther. Then on one fine day, so we beat on, boats against the current, we are borne back into the past"- A closing line in the masterpiece novel, The Great Gatsby.

See Matt


F Scott Fitzgerald's classic book. The story of a man Jay Gatz, Daisy, the woman he loves, and Tom, Daisy's arrogant husband. Told from the perspective of Gatsy's neighbor, Nick.

The story reflects the cultural distinction between the upper and lower class during the 1920's in America.

"Nobody know what compelling Jay, the Great Gatsby as he was called, but all were glad to attend his wonderful parties."


A "classic" novel, The Great Gatsby is a book that English teachers find necessary to assign their students to read, even though the plot is stupid, and everyone ends up dead, alone, or unhappy. Nobody knows quite how this book became a classic, but the '70s movie remake of the book stars Law and Order's Sam Watterson.

While his students' brains melted out of their heads due to boredom, the English teacher droned on about the signifigance of Gatsby's car being yellow throughout the boring novel, The Great Gatsby.

See gatsby


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