The Grunch

What is The Grunch?


Hi, everyone I'm new around and I would just like to tell a bit of my experience with the grunch.

I would not recomend to see grunch 1 and 2 one after the other, specially if you prepare it to end the marathon at midnigth.

So i had a bad dream where I could not move and try to scream to my dad and my body star it to move like if every muscle wanted to move to diferent directions.

So I would say all of you guys should give it a try specially if you sleep alone. ANd have a "hell" of a ride, just for fun, just try to do not think too much about it.

Any experience of any here???

the grunch is + however ending the marathon at midnigth is -


Hi, everyone I'm new around and I would just like to tell a bit of my experience with the grunch.

I would not recomend to see grunch 1 and 2 one after the other, specially if you prepare it to end the marathon at midnigth.

So i had a bad dream where I could not move and try to scream to my dad and my body star it to move like if every muscle wanted to move to diferent directions.

So I would say all of you guys should give it a try specially if you sleep alone. ANd have a "hell" of a ride, just for fun, just try to do not think too much about it.

Any experience of any here???

the grunch is + however ending the marathon at midnigth is -

See grunch


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