The Heat

What is The Heat?


cops, police

grab yo boards its the heat


alternative way of deeming something " hot"

Have you heard the new Ghostface record? Shit's the heat.

See dlc


Primarily used in the southern states (Alabama, Mississippi), "the heat" refers to a heat irritation which results from the thighs sweating and rubbing together while working or walking outdoors for extended periods of time. Conditions are made worse by humidity (on the Gulf Coast humidity is almost constantly at 85%+) and continued irritation, as experienced by construction workers.

General symptoms include:


-Sensitivity of the area

-Discomfort while walking

"Ricky and the boys at work all got the heat so I sent a bottle of body powder with him to work today."

See the heat, irritation, south, humidity, rash, ball sweat, sweat, heat, humid, alabama, mississippi


A club using three or more cars will chase and/or harass other drivers.

Positioning themselvs on all four sides of the other car to slow down and or direct the car in another direction.

Oh No! The Heat is after us, go faster!

(Mark, Tyson, Kiff, Steve and Hector)are the founders of The Heat!


not only used to mean firearms or law officials, "The Heat" is sometimes defined as being hot or awesome. tmj

You're going to see Bright Eyes on Saturday? Conor Oberst is the heat!

See michelle


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