What is The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy?
The best triligy (containing 5 books) in the world. IT recently became a major motion picture which totally butchred and americanized the
i just read the hitchikers guide to the galaxy, i look at the world in a totally new way now
1. One of the best Raido shows every to grace the air waves. this radio show was the starting point for the book, haveing slighty differnt plot lines which aren't in the book and certently not the movie.
2. The greastest trilogy of five, and possibly the most confusingly random books in exsitants. some part from the raido show have either been removed or changed drasticly when changing oer to the book.
3. *issing important parts*
1.zaphoid: I like those two black headrest things
Trillion: i didn't there mighty uncomfurtible, and i prefer longer arms
arthur: but it won't have a mouth to drink the coffie!
Ford: I think it just scratched it's leg
Trillian: those headrests look like eyebrows!
2. ^ the previous never happens in the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
3. they don't even get to milliways.
Just about the best book in existance!!!!
If everyone read the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, there might be world peace!
The worst movie I have ever seen. A total waste of my life. A movie that is so bad that its terribleness can tick a nun off so bad that she dirty sanches the director.
Peter: dude did you see that that nun just dirty sanchesed that guy.
John: yeah the nun just came out of that gay movie, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. And the guy that just got dirty sanchesed was the director.