The Hoover

What is The Hoover?


the hoover is performed by mounting your partner from behind

and kicking out her arms while lifting her legs. Proceed to push her

around the floor like a vacuum cleaner.

I pushed that bitch with the hoover last night.


While engaging in sexual intercourse, "doggy-style," in a striking motion the man hits the pits of each of his partner's elbows causing him/her to faceplant into the floor. At which point he pushes forward, while still engaged, in the manner of pushing a vacuum cleaner.

Rather than picking up the weeks worth of crumbed chips off his living room floor, Andrew decided to multi-task and gave his girlfriend the Hoover.

See hoover, doggy style, sex, the hoover


While in a doogy style position, the male grabs the arms of the female, and proceeds to walk her around the floor. It is a cleaning position. You clean your floor and have fun doing it.

Person 1-"Hey bill your floor looks really clean. Did you actually clean?"

Person 2-"Nah bro. I turned victoria into the hoover last night. She was pissed!"

See doggy, style, position, arms, clean


The act of blowing one's load in or around a girls ass, and then sucking it out. It's optional to spit it on her face. The term comes from the similarity to the action of a vacuum cleaner.

We knew Alex's last name was Hoover, but we didn't know he enjoyed performing The Hoover so much.

See hoover, vacuum, donkey punch, jizz, anal, poop, vagina, mouth, abraham lincoln, spodumene


hehluh's dance!!!

Doing the hoover does not mean screwing the vacuum cleaner!


A forbidden dance that is done only on the dance floor by a one Hoover.


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