What is The Howard Stern Show?


A ground-breaking comedy/variety show created by Howard Sternand featuring the talents of Fred Norris, Robin Quivers, Gary " Bababooey" Dell' Abate and Artie Lang. The show is inspired and inventive, providing a minimum of 4 hours of fresh, witty entertainment 5 days a week. Though largely overlooked when rating "funny shows" or "funniest comedians", The Howard Stern Show, and Stern himself produce the equivalent of 4 HBO comedy specials a day, without the benefit of a year's prep time, or an HBO budget. The show has produced such characters as Crackhead Bob, Beetlejuice, High Pitch Eric, Wendy the Retard, Gary the Retard, and many others.

It is today what The Tonight Show used to be, for young comics in that if you do well, you will have a successful career. The characters and bits that the show is responsible for, either directly or indirectly, are endless. Although many politicians and media outlets like to dismiss the show's humour as puerile and irrelevant, the scope whereby pop culture and the radio broadcasting industry itself make the show, and the man, truly genius.

"Dude, I had to pull over on the way to work this morning."


"The Howard Stern Show... I was laughing so hard, I was crying!"


Adult embarrassment via juvenilia; a poor attempt at humor in poor taste; to make fart noises past the age of seven.

It was so The Howard Stern Show, with everyone bored and sitting around talking with nothing to say and resorting to belching and farting and laughing about it.

See fart, bored, waste, tiresome


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