The Hutley

What is The Hutley?


The critics write many names for the hutley. Some may be known by 'hutz', 'jhutz', 'h-rails' or 'h-man', their followers hang off every word and enemies fear their awesome power. To describe the hutley requires more than words. They excrete the scent of man from every pore on their bodies, and have come up with more catch phrases than warnie has taken test wickets.

Catch phrases aside for now, the hutley is a unique being, tempremental at the best of times - they live for the moment and dont regret their actions. Although smaller than average in stature, the hutley makes up for this with their street fighting ability (or lack thereof). Its common knowledge that you cannot tell whether an asian has a hidden bruce lee, and the hutley makes sure his enemies know this.

You know you've got a Hutley when:

you hear any of the following original catch-phrases:

ur either man or ur not

are u a man or a mouse cunt

im a maniac

i do what i want (possibly followed by: when i want, how i want)

u dont decide whether or not to do __________, you decide whether or not you are a man

im 2pac in the making... they call me jpac

is this cunt serious?

does this cunt wanna die?

im in the realm of mad cunt

uve gotta man up sometime in your life

there are no pacts between lions and men

fight now or fight later?

thats a blatant lie

u feel?

im not a mathemagican

im gettin magneto tonight or lets get magneto (getting blind drunk)

u dont pick the roids... the roids pick you

ur like a piece of dirt in a dirt farm - nothing out of the ordinary

The hutley angers easily, and is not uncommon to see them hitting themselves to psyche up. When you mix a hutley with alcohol, you get a lethal combination. It becomes more arrogant, and the catch phrases appear more readily including;

wote wote wote wote WOTE

lets do this

dont fuck around

im the fucken mac

i got the sweet hook-ups

if you ever need anything, im the man to go to

i know people

$100 - thats chump change

e-loose-ive (loose on ecstacy)

i was on struggle street

did i stutter cunt

i got the deals to make u squeals

my dicks a key... a key to heaven

act like a man, get treated like a man

same shit different turban

i dont talk to dead men

a breast reduction - thats like slapping god in the face

When the Hutley is in angry mode its best to stay out of their way. They are unpredictable, and will often try starting fights with passers by. Many such strangers have felt the stiff shoulder of the Hutley, and none to date have decided retaliation was the best option in this situation.

Lastly, due to there invaluable talent to provide classic catch phrases at opportune times and certain physical features, the Hutley can be summised in two words: 'Miniature Buddhas'. Their presence enriches many lives, and their teachings are followed by many who have chanced a meeting with a Hutley in their lifetime.

>>> Davo: "I was on struggle street at the gym today"

Friends: "Looks like we've got a Hutley"

>>> Jim: "insert original catch phrase at perfect time here"

Friends: "Looks like we've got a Hutley"

>>> The Hutley: "insert original catch phrase at perfect time here"

Friends: "Fuck... that was an awesome call"

The Hutley: "are you cunts serious? Im a maniac... of course it was awesome"

Friends: remember call, and use it as much as possible

See the, a, bruce lee, wote, asian, maniac, buddah, 2pac


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