What is The Incredible Barack Obama?


A Super Hero. A great action figure. Mega Genius. One good looking righteous laid back cool Dude. The greatest President ever to hold the office of the presidency in the entire history of the United States of America

David Banner watched Bill Oreily on Fox News and got angry and then he turned into the Incredible Hulk. The Incredible Hulk while going into a rage over Oreily watched Hannity on the Fox News Channel and grew even more angry that he turned into Chuck Norris. By this time Chuck Norris was really pissed. But when Chuck Norris saw President George W. Bush on the Red Eye of Fox News Chuck Norris went insane pushed there by his fuming red hot wrath. Then Chuck Norris turned into the Incredible Barack Obama. Barack Obama calmed down and relaxed and waved at the people. He's just an awesome dude that stays cool under pressure. He's a super hero. He is the Incredible Barack Obama!

See barack obama, the incredible hulk, chuck norris, david banner, fox news


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