What is The Inverse Bullshit Law?


The law states that as quantitative, legitimate material in an essay goes up, the language must equally and oppositely come down.

19:43 hailvictors17: so if i'm writing a 15 page paper about the merits of peanut butter and jelly

19:44 hailvictors17: i'm writing like billy fuckin faulkner

19:44 hailvictors17: but if i'm writing about

19:44 hailvictors17: that

19:44 hailvictors17: the inverse bullshit law says that

19:44 hailvictors17: I will sound like a complete and total idiot, and my teacher will still give me an F, no matter how good my writing because of the level of complete bullshit

See idiot, school, essay, bull, shit, law


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