The Johnstones

What is The Johnstones?


The most awesome ska band to ever come out of Canada. Spawned from Ajax, Ontario, The Johnstones are a rockin' quintet of five dudes who rarely wear shirts. They're also really nice to their fans. Do yourself a favour and go to one of their shows.

The Lineup is as follows;

Ryan Long- Drums, Vocals

Jarek Hardy- Guitar, Vocals

Brent Marks- Bass

Julian Warmé- Trombone

Rene Gillezeau- Trumpet, MC

Dood, The Johnstones were so fuckin' rad last night.

See ska, punk, music, band, rad


A Crappy Pop-Ska band that think they are total rock stars but only 13 year old preteen girls listen to because they think the members of the band are "SooOo QT!11!"

they think they are hilarious with posting stupid videos of themselfs & they put good ska bands to shame.

Eddie - I'm Confused about my sexuality

Mike - you like the Johnstones?

Eddie - Yes. Omfgz der so0o0 awezsumz!

Mike - you are def gay.

Sarah - Da jonzstonz r so0o hawt

Mike - You'll grow out of them once you hit 15.

Greg - I'm a fan of the Johnstones

Mike - You're also a fan of sticking dick up your ass.

See crap, pop, douchebags, lol


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