What is The Kelly Gang?
A cartel from the game DopeWars (treadon.us) who pay tribute to Ned Kelly and his crew.
Game C1 Top Cartels (Over $400,000,000 or Top 5)
1 The Kelly Gang $2,159,302,899
2 $skeletons of society$ $2,056,987,941
3 C.A.$.H. $1,414,825,640
4 DOPE CONNECTIONS $1,335,029,217
5 The Kelly Gang $1,039,395,072
6 Vulture Squad $966,742,897
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Main Entry: for·bar·rass
Pronunciation: for-ˈber-əs, -ˈba-rəs
Function: verb
Date: 2008
The state of being embarrassed for a per..