The Kin

What is The Kin?


Thorry & Isaac Koren, are two Australian brothers full of ambition and talent. If we're to categorize their music, it’d be indie rock, yet, The Kin has a unique sound that mesmerizes. Their lyrics are beautiful and imaginative.

Are you looking for the type of music or band that fills your heart and soul with an unexplainable feeling? Are you in search of music that takes you away? The Kin provides all those emotions. They’ll make your heart dance. Their music help through the pain, anger, and problems that we, as people deal with everyday. Their music will also provide a source of extraordinary happiness and joy.

Isaac and Thorry’s harmonies will give you goose bumps, butterflies, and a smile on your face.

The Kin are two sincere, passionate brothers sharing their gift of music with the world.

The only way to really comprehend what The Kin is all about is for you to experience it on your own. Close your eyes, get lost in the music that you’ll find has crept it’s way deep into your heart, mind, and soul.

The Kin is truly where it’s at.

I'll go and give The Kin a listen at myspace/TheKin :D

See isaac, thorry, australian


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