What is The L Word?
1.the reason why i subscribe to showtime other than Queer as Folk.
2.Katherine Moening (Shane...yeah)
bette: why is it so important for you to believe that everyone is sleeping with everyone else?
alice: because they are.
Shane from the L Word is hot.
1. Another reason(other then Queer as Folk) for homosexauls and bisexuals to watch Showtime.
2. An excuse to stare at Katherine Moening.
3. A good show that sometimes can get pornographic and has a few to many main characters (like 9).
4. A show that is often confused to be about straight women and love becuase of it's title other then lesbian and bisexual women.
"Everyone shows that Shane is the hottest one on The L Word."
A show about a group of gay, straight and bisexual women in LA
I like The L Word, its a good show