The Lafond

What is The Lafond?


A sexual act that can only be completed by a man with testicular dwarfism syndrome. The act involves saddling a woman's face and plugging the nostrils with the miniature testes. The penis is then inserted into the mouth in an act of fallatio. Note this last step maybe optional since many men of "lafond" syndrome may not be able to simultaneously insert the testes and the dwarfed penis into the oral cavity

my girl almost suffocated because I gave her "the lafond" with the oral option.

See balls, testicles, the, joe, joseph, sack, scrotum


A sexual act that can only be completed by a man with testicular dwarfism syndrome. The act involves saddling a woman's face and plugging the nostrils with the miniature testes. The penis is then inserted into the mouth in an act of fallatio. Note this last step maybe optional since many men of "lafond" syndrome may not be able to simultaneously insert the testes and the dwarfed penis into the oral cavity

my girl almost suffocated because I gave her "the lafond" with the oral option.

See balls, testicles, the, joe, joseph, sack, scrotum


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