What is The Management 'oh...'?


1. The response a Georgia Tech management major receives from a non-management major during introductions.

2. A natural physical reflex, similar to vommitting.

3. A way for a non-management major to express his superiority over a management major.

4. A word that is often followed by a series of poorly-executed "saves," such as "that's cool" or "I gotcha."

5. Similar to, although not as severe as, the UGA 'Oh...' which occurs when a Georgia Tech student meets a UGA student.

See also m-train and tech trolley.

Student A: "Hey. What's up? I'm George."

Student B: "Hey. I'm Burdell. How's it going?"

Student A: "Good."

Student B: "So, what major are you?"

Student A: "Management. What about you?"

Student B: "Oh... I gotcha. Um, I'm mechanical engineering."

Student A: "Nice."

Student A: (thinks to himself) "I hate The Management 'Oh...'. Maybe I should transfer to UGA, where the business school is lower-ranked but is somehow worshiped there."

See m-train, tech trolley, mgt


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