What is The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya?


An anime about a girl named Haruhi Suzumiya, who has the power to alter the universe, although she does not know of it. She creates a club to look for things like espers, Time Travellers, and Aliens, naming it the SOS Brigade. Un-Known to her, she used her universe altering powers to make 3 of the 5 members of the club these very things, and they are all there to observer haruhi and make sure she doesn't create a new universe. The story is told from the Prospective of a boy named Kyon, who is the only person who Haruhi would talk too, and the only "normal" human in the SOS brigade.

It is a great, unique show, and I definately reccomend it to fans of anime.

Man, that last episode of TMoHS was really trippy man.


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya....

See haruhi suzumiya, esper, time traveller, alien


1.The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is the first Japaneselight novel in the Haruhi Suzumiya series written by Japanese author Nagaru Tanigawa and illustrated by Japanese artist Noizi Ito. It received immense popularity in Japan, and following the production of the animu, it extended its reach toward Western audiences. The characters are known for their distinct personalities. Haruhi Suzumiya is a yandere given the powers of God, Kyon repeatedly slaps himself in the face, Koizumi Itsuki makes faggotsmiles at Kyon, Yuki Nagato reads books and slaughters aliens in her spare time, and Mikuru Asahina - the shining star of the series - has set the precedent for moe characters in much of Japanese media following the airing of the animu.

See also: Haruhi-ism

Person 1: Hey, that dipshitover there hates The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!

Person 2: What?! Give me that AK-47over there, I'm gonna fuckhim up.

See haruhi, god, japan, wapanese, animu


Worst fucking series ever. It's not entertaining in any way and has annoying as hell voice acting. This series, for whatever the fuck reason, became extremely popular and has an enormous fanbase. The saddest and most pathetic thing about this series is that it tires VERY VERY HARD to make you laugh, and it falls flat on it's ass and fails. Of course all the wapanese and Otakus will argue that this series is "unique" or "original", and I’ll give them that, but keep in mind, being those things doesn't mean it's any GOOD! Fuck this series.

Wapanese kid: ZOMGZ! Dis iS FUUUNY!!


Me: What the hell you two!? This shit isn't funny at all it's just pathetic and stupid. Whatever you guys watch this shit, I’m gonna go watch Hot Fuzz.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya blows ass.

See shit, stupid, pathetic, dumb, otaku, wapanese, retard


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