What is The News Of The World?


Weekly rag which is famous for trying to ruin the lives of decent people, in a bid to boost their sales. Best known for printing lies and being succesfully sued for hundreds of thousands of pounds by the persons whose reputations they attempt to besmirch. MP Tommy Sheridan and footballer Ashley Cole for example.

Despite being a British tabloid they held the safety of British Troops in utter contempt by printing pictures of British soldiers beating up a few rioting iraqi youths who were throwing bricks at them. The pictures fuelled the iraqis anger which led to more attacks on UK soldiers.

The news of the world editor: Whose lifes can we fuck up this week then?

The news of the world journalist: Lets flip a coin, if it's heads we'll target a footballer, if it's tails we'll target an MP.

The news of the world editor: Good idea.

See the sun, rupert murdoch, trash, tabloid, liars


A British tabloid newspaper published on Sundays by News Corp. It's a sister paper to The Sun.

The News of The World concentrates on the important news. C-list celebrities, football, horoscopes, sex scandals and soft-porn. The News of The World has published a lot of kiss and tellstories. Normally these stories are told in lurid detail and illustrated with photos of the woman concerned in her underwear. The News of The World has a gift for showing women in their underwear. They could print an article about Nixon opening relations with China and still somehow find a way to work such a photo in to the story.

The newspaper itself is very right-wing and has been criticised in the past for enouraging mob justice (as has it's sister paper The Sun). Their decision to print the names and photos of convicted paedophiles brought condemnation since it was pretty obvious what was going to happen once these lists were published. Lynch mobs formed and people who had served their sentences and been released were harassed despite the fact that stastics have shown that sex-offenders typically have a far lower rate of recivisdism than most other serious crimes.

All in all, a low-grade gossip rag with a thinly veiled populist right-wing agenda.

John: I want something that's written in the style of a children's book while being a mix of Mein Kampf and Razzle.

Paul: Ah, the News of The World. That'll be 50 pence.

Stavros: How much change do I get from a pound?

See the sun, rupert murdoch, tabloid, newspaper, right-wing


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