The Nw

What is The Nw?


One big cesspool of faggotry and bullshit. Also see Neopets. It's a forum known more for its unbearable amount of furries and slashfic writers than its self-proclaimed "achievements." Then there's the regs - usually a 14 to 17 (or in worse cases - 17+) yr old still going through their rebellious phase in which they're susceptible to constantly breaking the rules, often seen with a new account every week or so. Regardless of how many times they're frozen, they return nonetheless. A typical nw fag can be seen within their group of neopals, exchanging compliments and made-up stories just to sound interesting, or maybe even writing an Urban Dictionary entry about the history of neo flame wars. Go figure.

e.g "History of the NW:

Five years ago, I joined this online community. Back then, I was younger and I don't remember it so well. However, I do remember that it was slightly on topic and I could post my writing there. Then, after a year or so there, the big flamers made their entrance. I went through that and wrote a history on it. Here it is:

Flame Wars: A History

In the summer of 2005, a new user came unto these boards. The NW boards. He called himself Vaspim, and was to change the n00b riddled NW boards forever(well, for about two months)."

See nw, the nw, neopets, ntwf


Abbreviation for "Neopian Writers"

The NW is a forum found on the internet tragedy neopets

It usually has a group of hyperliterate people that visit regularly, hence their group name, "Regs"

These groups faze in and out, with only a few people consitantly visiting for more than a year or so. The Regs come in cycles.

The NW also has(or had) a wide variety of flamers who have pretty much cleaned out the closet of spammers, noobs, and just plain idiots. However, in the last few months, the flamers have abandoned the NW and the bad people are seeping back in.

At one time, the NW may have been on topic, and there were topics about writing. Most Regs refer to the time as "A load of bullshit" but it existed, way back when Neopets got it's start.

History of the NW:

Five years ago, I joined this online community. Back then, I was younger and I don't remember it so well. However, I do remember that it was slightly on topic and I could post my writing there. Then, after a year or so there, the big flamers made their entrance. I went through that and wrote a history on it. Here it is:

Flame Wars: A History

In the summer of 2005, a new user came unto these boards. The NW boards. He called himself Vaspim, and was to change the n00b riddled NW boards forever(well, for about two months).

He started out slow, making a few friends, or should I say followers. Vaspim accumulated these followers through flaming. He was not without skill, but he was no god, as he toted himself.

He started slow, flaming only n00bs and people who deserved it. However, this stage of Vaspim’s development did not last long; soon he was publicly starting fights.

However, the big break in his fame came in November, 2005.

He was flaming, under the username adolf_vaspim, when he offended a one, Jesterlena.

She publicly called him out, taunting him.

He couldn't resist easy prey, and soon he arrived, trailing followers and enemies alike. Jesterlena greeted and insulted him, and it was underway.

Jesterlena was destroyed.

She was a mediocre flamer at best, but was also an attention whxre who had many friends. After Jesterlena's demise, the friends of hers and Vaspim's enemies joined together, a faction to be known as the Rebels. Vaspim had his side, and the Rebels were mobilized.

The wars were underway.

They went on into 2006, methodically cleaning the boards of anyone who dared to be stupid, type n00bishly, or were just plain annoying. However, the better flamers were usually on Vaspim’s side, seeing the wars as "great fun". In the crossfire, most unpopular people were scared off, leaving us in peace.

However, as the wars died down, a figure re emerged.

His name was Hobbit.

Unlike Vaspim, Hobbit had real wit and skill, raining death upon the "lessers", as he called him. He accumulated many followers, and eventually, the inevitable happened.

Hobbit and Vaspim collided.

The war was incredible, and after it was over, both sides claimed victory.

However, the winner was clear.


Hobbit had won, finally bringing down the Vaspim of lore. Hobbit was now the reigning ruler of the NW, and lorded over the "lessers"

After this, the history becomes confused, with flamers popping up, some with skill, and some without.

A notable flamer was Cujo. He went on a memorable flaming spree, destroying several good flamers.

However, Hobbit finally brought him down.

This was also the first conjunction of Vaspim and Hobbit. It seemed that, together, the were a force to be reckoned with. Anyone who stood in their way was disintegrated.

Another notable flamer appeared, apparently coming from the EMS boards. His name?


He flamed others without mercy, and eventually he clashed with Vaspim and Hobbit. When they collided, it made not much of a splash.

However, it seemed his skills and Vaspim and Hobbits skills were evenly matched. Eventually, the match was over, with no clear winner.

So Vaspim and Hobbit made a board.

It declared that the NW's government was now a triumvate, or ruled by three.

No one stood for that for long, and eventually, the new Rebels(which I happened to play a part in. Also, I helped out the old Rebels) took them down

The Flame War had finally come to an end, and a few new figures shook off the haze, becoming clear and popular. I won’t name anyone, -coughiwasonecough-, but they became distinct figures.

Now, some of them have faded away, visiting sporadically.


Vaspim and Hobbit are still around. Apparently, they were cousins. Now they go by Dylan(Vaspim) and Jason(Hobbit).

After the Flame Wars, the mood on the NW has been pretty relaxed and laid back. People are nicer and there are no more real "flamers"

Some examples of recent Regs are Jono, Cluny, Maria, Sinewy, Kit, and Zander.

You can find the NW here:

neopets/neoboards / boardlist.phtml?board=3

See nw, the nw, neopets, neo


Acronym for the Neopian Writers. A large septic tank consisting of mostly 13 year old girls who act like they're 11. Most people there are not meaningful, mature, interesting, or worth your time.

Although most of the people used to be funny and somewhat enjoyable, they have left or migrated (however a few still go on the neopets anyways), leaving mostly new generation who can be quite obnoxious.

The regs are as follows

The Best:

Kyon, Miranda, Lotte, Ina, Kohl, Zahra, Kieran, Bianca, UK James, Rinoa, Matt, Shane, Sero, Atkid, Chrono, Chase, MJ, Rita, Rhea, Disa, Pascal, Flunchy, Michelle, Merlinda, Chennele, MJ, Hazel,

The Average:

Gavriel, Edward, Nunu, Erin, Nixon, Psalmody, Kels!e, Ely, Lucy, Jay, Senni, Devo, Jex, Sophie, Lindsay, Nik, Corie, Charlie, Brendan, Opal, Wynd, Roxie, Leo, Lee, Taite, Saul, James, Lexi, Piney, Ryuu, Bowties, Alice, Arthur, Rae, Elliot, Bre, Moon, Spiff, Kitkat, Lily, Fran, Kyra, Spiffy, Heather, Gail, Sapphy, LJ, Acantha, Ela, Steve, Caesar, Dom, Catch, Amber, Wolfie, Freya, Alyssa, Soup, JB, Audio, Mille, Sha, Fluffi, Rayne, Ronnie, Belen, Pen, Noah, PJ, Ronnie, Snail, Anna, Chenelle, Devin, Tori, Owls, Ferret, Lissa, Katharine, Sri, Azara, Magenta, Luc, Angel, Luna, Touk, Mojo, Doop


Estella, Ninja, Clara, Hope, Most of the writers

Person1: Hey, I remember the NW, we should go back sometime!

Person2: Nah, I'm never going back, it sucks now.

See neopian, writers, the nw, nw, ems, neopets, neoboards


The most super awesome uber cool chat board ever.

It is made up of super cool mega awesome foxy hot people such as

Lotte, Gavvy, Erin, Edward, Clara, Taite, Chase, Devo, Caesar, James, Jack, Kitty, Zain, Estella, Ninja, Michelle, Lexi, Merlinda, NIXON, Waffle, Meranda, Dr.Disa, Doop, Sil, Bianca, Audio, Kate, Moony and oh so many others, I just have no time to write them all down.

Edward is famous for becoming a reg in about two weeks.

Devo is very jexy, seeing as she made up this troll called 'Jex' who loves everyone, except Alleste, whom Estella created. Alleste was kinda phail.

Fae/Anna/Skylar/Obama/Flat Stanley enjoys changing her name all the time. Her and Estella are quete "BFFFS, Best (fishing) friends forever.

Erin + Gavvy = ♥

Lotte is pure win.

NIXON doesn't give a shit.

Wow, the NW is just pure win. XD

What is an Atkid?

Ask the HC.

The NW pwns.

See nw, atkid, neopets, spam


Abbreviation for "Neopian Writers"

The NW is a forum found on the internet tragedy neopets

It usually has a group of hyperliterate people that visit regularly, hence their group name, "Regs"

These groups faze in and out, with only a few people consitantly visiting for more than a year or so. The Regs come in cycles.

The NW also has(or had) a wide variety of flamerswho have pretty much cleaned out the closet of spammers, noobs, and just plain idiots. However, in the last few months, the flamers have abandoned the NW and the bad people are seeping back in.

At one time, the NW may have been on topic, and there were topics about writing. Most Regs refer to the time as "A load of bullshit" but it existed, way back when Neopets got it's start.

History of the NW:

Five years ago, I joined this online community. Back then, I was younger and I don't remember it so well. However, I do remember that it was slightly on topic and I could post my writing there. Then, after a year or so there, the big flamers made their entrance. I went through that and wrote a history on it. Here it is:

Flame Wars: A History

In the summer of 2005, a new user came unto these boards. The NW boards. He called himself Vaspim, and was to change the n00b riddled NW boards forever(well, for about two months).

He started out slow, making a few friends, or should I say followers. Vaspim accumulated these followers through flaming. He was not without skill, but he was no god, as he toted himself.

He started slow, flaming only n00bs and people who deserved it. However, this stage of Vaspim’s development did not last long; soon he was publicly starting fights.

However, the big break in his fame came in November, 2005.

He was flaming, under the username adolf_vaspim, when he offended a one, Jesterlena.

She publicly called him out, taunting him.

He couldn't resist easy prey, and soon he arrived, trailing followers and enemies alike. Jesterlena greeted and insulted him, and it was underway.

Jesterlena was destroyed.

She was a mediocre flamer at best, but was also an attention whxre who had many friends. After Jesterlena's demise, the friends of hers and Vaspim's enemies joined together, a faction to be known as the Rebels. Vaspim had his side, and the Rebels were mobilized.

The wars were underway.

They went on into 2006, methodically cleaning the boards of anyone who dared to be stupid, type n00bishly, or were just plain annoying. However, the better flamers were usually on Vaspim’s side, seeing the wars as "great fun". In the crossfire, most unpopular people were scared off, leaving us in peace.

However, as the wars died down, a figure re emerged.

His name was Hobbit.

Unlike Vaspim, Hobbit had real wit and skill, raining death upon the "lessers", as he called him. He accumulated many followers, and eventually, the inevitable happened.

Hobbit and Vaspim collided.

The war was incredible, and after it was over, both sides claimed victory.

However, the winner was clear.


Hobbit had won, finally bringing down the Vaspim of lore. Hobbit was now the reigning ruler of the NW, and lorded over the "lessers"

After this, the history becomes confused, with flamers popping up, some with skill, and some without.

A notable flamer was Cujo. He went on a memorable flaming spree, destroying several good flamers.

However, Hobbit finally brought him down.

This was also the first conjunction of Vaspim and Hobbit. It seemed that, together, the were a force to be reckoned with. Anyone who stood in their way was disintegrated.

Another notable flamer appeared, apparently coming from the EMS boards. His name?


He flamed others without mercy, and eventually he clashed with Vaspim and Hobbit. When they collided, it made not much of a splash.

However, it seemed his skills and Vaspim and Hobbits skills were evenly matched. Eventually, the match was over, with no clear winner.

So Vaspim and Hobbit made a board.

It declared that the NW's government was now a triumvate, or ruled by three.

No one stood for that for long, and eventually, the new Rebels(which I happened to play a part in. Also, I helped out the old Rebels) took them down

The Flame War had finally come to an end, and a few new figures shook off the haze, becoming clear and popular. I won’t name anyone, -coughiwasonecough-, but they became distinct figures.

Now, some of them have faded away, visiting sporadically.


Vaspim and Hobbit are still around. Apparently, they were cousins. Now they go by Dylan(Vaspim) and Jason(Hobbit).

After the Flame Wars, the mood on the NW has been pretty relaxed and laid back. People are nicer and there are no more real "flamers"

Some examples of recent Regs are Jono, Cluny, Maria, Sinewy, Kit, and Zander.

You can find the NW here:

neopets/neoboards/ boardlist.phtml?board=3

See nw, the nw, neopets, neo


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