The Oc

What is The Oc?


Addicting TV show that takes place in a magical world in which all the characters look like models and even the financially strapped characters manage to dress in Gucci. Even with their ginormousmansions and all their possessions, they still have an abundance of problems and drama.

"Let's go watch the OC and then play the Superbowl Halftime show again on TiVo."

"Screw homework, the OC's on."

See anonymous


TV show full of hot girls and troubled relationships. You know it's on when all the white chicks log off.

"You want to go out with me? Hold that thought for an hour, the OC's on."

See anonymous


Yes, it is addictive, probably inaccurate, and stupid. However, many people (including myself) still love it - that doesn't mean I am trying to pattern my life off of Marissa's, it just means I like the show. So everyone who has nothing better to do than bitch about how it shows the decline of America should find more interesting things to do and realize that everyone is allowed some guilty pleasures; it's only a t.v. show. We all know that.

Miss Mayer 2 U: "(The OC is) A load of crap that illustrates the decline of American society."

Logical Person: "If you allow yourself to be deeply influenced by a show, then yes. But that's your problem."


"Entertainment" leading to the bastardization of young minds who are duped into thinking this show contains "issues." Will lead to the next generational depression when those who poisoned their sense of reality with this tripe are confronted with a life of selling mobile phones.

Congratulations to the guy who managed to tie rubbishing "Ja Rule" (another brilliant example of how mindless crap can be turned into a quick money spinner) into the OC.

I look forward to many a thumbs-down from the masses enraged by this momentary slip into reality... not until after next weeks episode though of course. Keep believing the purpose of mobile phones is to liberate you, rather than ensuring the fast-food industry has a perpetual supply of drones to man the cash register to pay off their "txt" compulsion.

Future mobile phone seller: "I hope the next week of my life disappears as fast as possible so the OC can comfort my pathetic existence for another 30 minutes."


A kick bottom show that illustrates a town where everything seems perfect but nothing is as it seems. deals with things like anorexia, alcoholics, rape, murder and plenty of fights. when a poor kid moves there when he gets out of juvie he is the catalyst for everything that happens and affects the lives of everyone he meets including the troubled girl next door who falls for him. anyway its a fucked up community with so much scandal you cant not watch it! (and the soundtracks awesome)

OMG did you see the oc last night? I cant believe marissa killed trey!


A GREAT show on Fox that revolves around rich beautiful teenagers and their rich beautiful parents. Obviously they have problems, a little over the top, but still, it's one of the best shows on TV.

People who say things like "it's the decline of american society" can go to hell since they're taking their time off to tell it off.

person: oh, do you watch the OC?

person2: uhh, no, it's so cliche, and gay.

person: ..have you ever seen it?

person2: no, but i hate it, that's enough for me.

See the oc, orange county, rich, beautiful, summer


A show that is horrifically innacurate and contains mind-numbingly bad acting, yet is shockingly entertaining every week. All the people who hate on the OC are wannabe non-conformists who rebel against anything "mainstream" and go slit their wrists at night. Stop trying to be cool. We all know you secretly watch it.

Non-Conformist: How can you watch that piece of trash show the OC! It has blonde people and ample amounts of cleavge so I must rebel against it!

Me: Oh ya. It was pretty cool when Seth and Zack had a fight last episode

Non-Conformist: OMG! Ya totally I was so shocked, I mean-...uh, I don't watch that. *sigh*

See Rae Rae


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