What is The Official Holy Trinity?


The one thing to remember before performing this legendary move is that the holy trinity must have three components. In religion, it is the father, the son, holy spirit. In pornography, it is the pimp, the hoe, and Casper.

The official holy trinity:

1. Begin by illegally obtaining a motor vehicle

2. Pick up your hoe

3. Drive your vehicle to an open field and after hitting 5mph, hit cruise control and then you and your hoe must hop out of the car.

4. Pick your hoe up, sling her over your shoulder and run 100 ft in front of the car.

5. Bite her clothes off and begin fucking her as casper continues stearing

6. Then, when the car is just about to hit you and your hoe, bear hug the hoe with your dick still in her, jump as high as possible, land on the roof of the car.

7. Continue fucking the hoe, but at this point, caster hops out off the wheel, and both you and casper begin to eiffel tower the hoe.

8. Continue until the car crashes.

Chaniqua: Hey Nyk, where the fuck is Doug at?

Nyk: Aw, Chaniqua, you haven't heard? Doug went through with a bet last night and stole John's car. Then, after he stole Phoebe's virginity on the roof of John's car, he continued until the car rolled off the edge of the gorge.

Chaniqua: Damn, that bitch a slut.

Nyk: Yep. But Doug performed The Official Holy Trinity. Heroes get rememberd; legends never die.

See casper, ghost ride, legend


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