What is The Official Preppy Handbook?


A book written by Lisa Birnbach in 1980 as a tongue-in-cheek guide to preppies. Currently out of print, it details the preppy lifestyle "from toddler to Alumni Fund Raiser". It contains "the look, the pose, the proper accessories. What to wear at What Age. Lilly, Lacoste, and L.L. Bean." Anyone who believes that preppies are those who wear American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, and the like should consult this book to understand what a prep really is. And this book isn't dated considering preppies are classic and do not change their lifestyle as times go on. A highly reliable guide to preps.

"The Official Preppy Handbook" is the guide to becoming a true prep.

See preppie, prep, preppy, preppy girl, preppy guy


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