What is The Old Drunk Neighbor Trap?


Any trap that involves using a large cage, some alcohol, and some paint. You paint "free beer" anywhere on the cage, and put some alcohol inside the cage. Convince your old drunk neighbor to come out and he will surely sense the alcohol. Once trapped in the cage, take him out in the woods and dump him there. This is to only be used on old drunk neighbors that are giant assholes, i.e. they capture your pets and kill them, they call the police on you for no reason, consistently drive while impaired, and especially if they have hillbilly music get-togethers every Tuesday night.

Person A: Man, I haven't seen Jim in awhile, I wonder where he is.

Person B: Oh, we didn't tell you? We got him in the old drunk neighbor trap, and he fell right for it. Of course, I don't blame him...he was probably far too intoxicated to tell the difference between a cage and a bar.

See drunk, old, neighbor, trap, hillbilly, cage


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