What is The Passion Of The Christ?


A controversial movie directed by Mel Gibson that came out in 2004. It is about the last twelve hours of Jesus Christ's life.

This shows the different views on this movie:

Christian Guy: Did you see The Passion Of The Christ? I loved it, was uplifting and now I love God more than ever.

Not-Religious Guy: I hated it, it was too bloody.

Aethiest: I didn't like it because it's just stupid Christians scaring children into being Christian.

Guy Who Does Not Exist: I'm pretty nuetral about the movie.


A movie by the guy from The Road Warrior. A decent effort, however I noticed a lack of aliens, monsters, car chases, gunfire, and double anal scenes in this movie. Overall it is worth watching and I can't wait for Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ Part II: The Revenge Of Jesus, coming to theatres in summer 2009.

"Why did we pay 10 bucks to see The Passion Of The Christ when we could have watched our old vcr tape of The Road Warrior instead and spent the 10 bucks on weed?"

"Mel Gibson re-wrote the bible, therefore Mel is our God".

"I haven't seen so much blood in a movie since Dead Alive"

"In Mel We Trust"

"The Lashin' Of The Christ"

See feces, dung, comedy, tampon, road warrior


A film written and directed by Mel Gibson and starring his good friend Jesus.

A: I just saw "The Passion of the Christ"

B: I'd rather read the book

A: There's a book!?


A psuedo-snuff film. It's an over two hour film of an endless torture sequence.

Me: I saw "The Passion of the Christ" on opening day. It was a two hour torture sequence.

Someone: Two hour torture? Talk about being perpetuating.

See Kyle


I saw it, I hated it. 90% of the movie is just beatings and Jesus walking his cross to its resting point. What a waste of time.

(Mel Gibson thinking) Hmm, if i make a really bloody movie, starring Jesus, everyone will go see it MUWHAHAHAHA!

See Oz


Though it is supposed to be a "good" movie, I don't think i would be able to enjoy it. Partly because of Jesus and the brutality in the movie, but more becuase Mel Gibson is a member of Opus Dei.

I will never see The Passion. Not because I am of weak mind or body...its just that Mel Gibson is an arse.


A movie about a guy who doesn't and never did exist getting beat by jews for about 2 and a half hours and forced to carry a wooden cross that he would soon be nailed to and die on it. Was a cool movie except they should have had someone like Adam Sandler beating this fuck or atleast Tom Green. Would have made the movie about 10 million more dollars.

Weird Fucker: Did you see the passion of the christ? I loved it!

Ralph: Yes i saw it, i was getting head in the theatre while it was playing


Ralph: ... **!BANG!** See you there


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