What is The Players Club?
A place amidst the fuckitude that is the MSN web domain, where both hypocrites and cyber fuck buddies make their home. Owned and operated by the supreme n00b-pwner, woman-deceiver, Del, it has served to bring and hold tens of thousands of people into a single place for MSN to plague and spunk on them advertisments of useless "Windows Live" software.
I feel like internet drama, followed by cyber sex with fat girls on webcam. I think I need to go to TPC. (The Players Club)
The Players Club -
User M: Hey, any chicks about?
User F: im here...
User M: u got a cam?
User F: yea why?
User M: ... Fancy it?
User F: lol
User F: Erm....
User M: Come on, I only wanna show you come puppies
User F: Ok.
User M: Del was here, 2007.