What is The Preserve @ Jordan Lake?


A neighborhood just west of B. Everett Jordan lake in North Carolina (just outside Raleigh). This place is absolutely unbelievable. It is one of the very few places where you can get decent property and a quality house for under 700,000 dollars. House prices range from 400,000 to about 2,000,000 dollars. The greatest thing is that the houses are not segragated according to price. You could have the smallest house located next to the largest house. It has one of the most beautiful golf courses in the whole triangle area. The people are also extremely friendly; since you live two miles away from the lake, don't worry about having a boat, neighbors will be happy to take you out with them on theirs. Finally, it's truly a place to call home and to retire to at the end of the day.

Couple= Where's a neighborhood that has absolutely everything and I don't have to settle on one thing being out of place

Realtor= why...the preserve @ jordan lake of course, let's go there now!!!

See triangle, preserve, north carolina, chapel hill


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